
GB Sciences, Las Vegas, NV




July 2024

Boosting cannabis yield by unlocking the full potential of water

increase in yield
+ 0 %
increase in potency
+ 0 %

GB Sciences, a well-established Las Vegas-based cannabis cultivator, aimed to test the efficiency of introducing oxygen nanobubbles into their operations. To accomplish this goal, they adopted the Kairospace Water Treatment System and meticulously monitored changes specifically related to this new water treatment system. This report outlines the business case for implementing the Kairospace Water Treatment System at GB Sciences, demonstrating its benefits and effectiveness in enhancing plant health, improving irrigation efficiency, and increasing crop yield and potency.

GB Sciences implemented the Kairospace Water Treatment System to address two primary issues: Increasing dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in root zones. Maintaining cleanliness of irrigation pipelines to prevent biofilm buildup and microbial growth.

• Increase in yield
• Increase in potency
• Increased growth rate
• Improved plant health
• Irrigation optimization
• Excellent hardware performance


Significant Improvements
With Kairospace Water Treatment

Impact on Plant Health and Irrigation:

• DO Injectors: Significantly improved plant health and cleanliness of irrigation lines due to increased DO levels and nanobubbles.

• Filter Maintenance: Reduced the frequency of filter cleaning from twice a week to once a week, highlighting the reduction in biofilm buildup.

• Substrate Moisture Levels: Effective in maintaining consistent moisture levels, ensuring optimal plant growth conditions.

• Consistent DO 22ppm Levels: Minimal loss of DO from the reverse osmosis (RO) tank to the drip emitters, ensuring consistent oxygenation throughout the irrigation process.

Plant Growth and Yield:

• Root Development: Enhanced root development due to increased DO levels, leading to faster and more vigorous growth.

• Growth Rate: Notable increase in plant growth rate, though the harvest schedule remains fixed at 61 days.

• Crop Yield: Visual and quantitative increases in yield, with one strain increasing from 0.23 lbs to 0.31 lbs per plant.

• Yield Potency: Improved potency, with THC content increasing by 2-4%.

Verification Disclaimer: All data was collected and verified using a customer feedback form protocol. No additional changes or implementations were made to the grow operations during the multi-cycle trial period, aside from the implementation of the Kairospace system.

“The increased DO levels in the water provide the root zone more surface area to absorb the nutrients at a faster and more consistent rate, resulting in increased plant growth and more biomass per plant”
Jacob Branch
Cultivation Director, GB Sciences

Yield in cannabis production is typically measured by the total weight of dried flower harvested per plant or per unit area (e.g., grams per square meter). This metric reflects the productivity and efficiency of the cultivation process and is influenced by factors such as genetics, growing conditions, nutrients, and cultivation techniques. Higher yields are desirable for maximizing production and profitability, and growers often optimize environmental factors like light, temperature, humidity, irrigation and nutrient regimens to enhance yield outcomes.


Potency in cannabis production is measured by the concentration of cannabinoids, primarily THC and CBD, in the plant material. This is expressed as a percentage of the compound by weight, with THC levels indicating the psychoactive strength of the product. Laboratory testing involves processes like high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to accurately quantify the cannabinoid content. Potency results help producers label products, ensure consistency, and meet regulatory standards, while also informing consumers about the expected effects of the cannabis.

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Nanobubbles are a cutting-edge technology in cannabis hydroponics that significantly enhance plant growth and health. These ultrafine oxygen bubbles, smaller than traditional microbubbles, dissolve more efficiently in water, increasing the oxygen saturation levels in the nutrient solution. Higher dissolved oxygen levels improve root respiration, leading to faster nutrient uptake, stronger root development, and overall healthier plants. For cannabis cultivation, this means increased yields, reduced risk of root diseases, and a more robust plant immune system. Additionally, the use of nanobubbles can help maintain optimal environmental conditions in hydroponic systems, promoting faster growth cycles and maximizing the potential of cannabis crops.

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