Kairospace Technologies Inc. is a proud participant in the UNLV College of Engineering StepUp & StartUp Internship program.
The UNLV StepUp & StartUp Internship Program (SUSU IP) is a new internship program designed to support our College of Engineering students and Nevada’s local technology industry. The College of Engineering will provide the salary for the students who register and obtain internships in the approved opportunities, so space is limited.
StepUp& Start Internship Program Statement: We have been reviewed by the College of Engineering Internship Coordinator and have been approved for the StepUp and StartUp Program. Only students who have been registered for the StepUp & StartUp Internship (SUSU IP) can apply for this position. If you have questions about your eligibility please contact Alejandro Chacon, College of Engineering Internship Coordinator, at 702-895-1892 or Alejandro.chaco@unlv.edu.